Sunday 31 December 2006


Well here we are yet another year to say farewell to it seems quite unbelievable it is that frenetic time of the year again it is truly incredible indeed it is This year we are going to have a quiet time at home we thought no chance we will have to do the rounds of hellos and wishing all a happy new 2007 even if jsut fleetingly well that is how it is still it is always fun especially the unexpected aspects of such an evening nothing is really planned. Last week the same was to be our fate and fantastic it was too we visited the Barga living Presepio it was fantastic we neither of us had ever seen such an event littledid we know that at the next opportunity we were to be taking part in the very same event at a most wonderful natural place in Itlay called Equiterme a most wonderful natural setting for such an event it is to be truly experienced to be believed a truly living crib with all the arts and crafts of the time in question I actually thought that it was a real event in the sense that it was all coming to life well it is difficult to explain maybe a film of the event would help to recreate some of the event a most wonderful religious experience for all those thaqt were present and that can be stated for both events. I had seen something similar which can be compared to the Uberamagau which is held every other year in Austria in Italy the Via Crucis is held yearly very moving too.
All this is a kind of inner journey in the outer world a journey of discovery a widening and embracing of ones own life's experience You somehow find yourself captivated into this whirlwind of life and sadly it is all too soon over as this last year 2006 seems odd this how quick our lives revolve around and around and we all make the same mistake as we realise less and less how short our lives are and yes we are all the same.
I wanted to write the first paragraph in red somewhow it did not work well what the heck still life is like that unpredictable that is the fun of our lives. I suppose as I was saying we are the year's end it is cold rainy and grey a grey day we are waiting in anticipation of what the new year will bring we are not to have too great expectations and also what about those good intentions for the new year those new year resolutions are we going to maintain them are we going to even think about new year's resolutions such as who knows what........
Positive thinking getting ready for a new life a life of bliss is that going to be possible considering the strange weather the uncertainties in this world cannot worry about this too much else would give up the idea of even thinking about new intentions I think for instance that I would like to give up on the news it is always so negativre and as I would like to aim for a blissful life you have to banish all negativities and that is a major fact of our depression we should create an alternative news a happy news of the wonderful things that happen in our lives not concentrate on the dark side of life I feel that that is truly the bane of our lives psychologically damming!
So I would like to propose looking at life somehow through a sort of pink tinted glasses in order to try to uplift our souls not precipate them into the dark abyss of blackness and despair we have to inspire some hope and well being into our miserable existance else what a miserable lot we may become jsut too bad. Well somehow will endeavour to make that my main aim anyway there is no harm in trying even though it may not seem all that realistic still and what is reality anyway! It is certainly different for each and everyone of us we all have our dreams to create and to follow who knows where all this is leading us.
Well I have just heard that Australia has already got there 2007 is already in full swing well lets wish us all and sundry a VERY HAPPY 2007!

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